706 MK IIG Info Page

706MKIIG Common Issues
The DSP unit can get oxidized connections, resulting in garbled SSB operation/Mode mishaps/and dead modes (while other modes work fine) simply unplug the flex cable, and plug it back in, carefully.

If you get a DC surge, there is a 4.7 ohm surface mount resistor on the bottom side of the PA unit, that is a fuse resitor for the regulators on the PLL unit. This is used in all the 706 series radio’s, and the symptom is the radio won’t turn on, and you hear a „click“ „click“ (relay closing and opening)

Dead, no Rx/no Tx, check the 5v regulators on the PLL unit, there are 3 of them. Probably bad solder to one of them.

Tx power is radically different on different bands, probably the detector diodes on the filter unit.

These two, probably others, and any manuf. who used the J7044 MosFet for a final, have a terminal issue. The finals (SR(F or K)J7044(MP) are no longer available. I have tried to contact a few sources, and a couple of parts hunters.. no Stock, No availability. The PA in the MKIIG was changed in about 2004 to a newer (totally different RD70HV) device. You can swap out PA units for about $500! This includes the finals (no drivers)(706MKIIG only) A bit spendy, but at least there is a fix.

The 775(DSP) has had very few cases of Final failure. The 775(DSP) PA unit is also pre-designed to use the MRF140’s, the MKIIG cannot. The 706 MKIIG has had more cases of final failure than the 775, more MK2G’s sold out there too, than the 775.

Beware buying used MKIIG’s. The Serial number change is OLD > 0xxxxx, Newer 15(or 16)xxxxx.

I had the unique oppurtunity to evaluate the old 706 MKIIG PA unit and the new one. The primary difference between the old final and new final, is the package. Performance criteria is actually almost exactly the same. The HF transformers and componets are the same between the two boards. The driver (old MRF1508, New MRF1518) is different on the new board, but is basically a newer design, with the same spec’s.

On the VHF/UHF side I was able to grind away enough board and fit the new final in place. I needed to move the filter caps (input and output) closer to the body of the transistor, but otherwise it worked perfectly.

This will not be as easy for the HF side of things, as one finals has quite a few bottom board side lands that would be cut or damaged. If I get the chance to do this, I will report back on how it went.
